Do the next thing.

Best advice I have heard in order to cope with times like these.

I have not even had time to write at all because I have been so very busy making kombucha for the last year. Business has exceeded my wildest expectations. I feel that making kombucha is one of my main purposes on this earth- especially now in the times we find ourselves. I pray that each and every sip makes each body stronger and healthier. So I continue brewing and fermenting, mixing fruits and herbs to taste amazing, at the same time bringing the amazing beneficial powers of herbs and tea to each brew.

I love what I do!

It hasn’t been easy, I will admit. Some of my restaurants and stores are closed. Orders are way down. But I am just not going to give up! I have a wonderful and timely, healthful and delicious beverage to make and deliver to YOU! I have to take extra time and energy to sanitize the kitchen and put extra effort into watching over the entire process, but I will keep going as long as possible!

I am doing home deliveries, finding places to do POP-UP pours, piggy-backing with farm CSA orders. ( and offering farm pick-up. Contact me for more info or to place orders and find out prices.

I am just going to do keep doing the next thing! Even when I don’t have orders…what’s next?! Today, it’s write a blog article. Tomorrow, maybe weed the gardens or experiment or research herbs. I am a loyal list maker and LOVE crossing things off the to-do list. This is how I’m coping. Would love to hear how you are staying sane.

Bodie says “hellooooo”!

Stay sane and healthy and drink your booch today!

Love to all,


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