Who is The Kombucha Lady?


Me, Liz!  My husband and I have this cute little farm up in Northern Frederick County and we grow most of the herbs and as much of the fruit in our “booch” as we can.  I brew the kombucha right on the farm in a certified processing facility.  So this is as local as it gets!


I had been brewing kombucha for years and had a huge passion to share this wonderful world of fermenting with all of you.  I jumped through all the health department hoops and,  here I am!  I LOVE making yummy products to sell to healthy-minded people.   Over the years, I had tried to market several products, but KOMBUCHA has had the most amazing response.  You all love it!  Well, so do I, and I believe in the amazing health benefits of this ancient elixir.


I personally have noticed less allergies, more energy, less joint pain, less sickness, my hair is growing thicker, and my gut is happier.  The reason I started drinking kombucha was to help my poor, awful gut problems..IBS and GERD to name a few.  Now, my body craves this bubbly goodness! A happy tummy makes a happy lady.


We never ever pasteurize our kombuchas!  That would defeat the whole purpose.  AND,  I use all organic teas for TKL kombucha, because I believe in organic standards and desire to give you the best product possible and at a reasonable price.  Most of the fruit is from local sources, our own farm, or organic sources.  We are busy growing and planting berries so we can use fruit from our farm, exclusively.  That is the vision!


I brew the booch in small batches so I can have better control over each of the delicious flavors.  TKL booch is never pasteurized..it’s a raw living drink, those bubbles are the natural by-product of the fermentation process.  We don’t add any CO2 and we don’t add any sugary stuff, only fruit and herbs to the fermented teas and lotsa love.

Now you know why they call me-

The Kombucha Lady!

We would love to hear your kombucha story!  Leave comments on the contact page and we will post your testimonials.