Blast viruses outta there!

The Kombucha Lady ‘s brews are all about your health in a way that is delicious and fun.  But this recipe is serious business.

Tea- We are using an organic black tea for this brew- Pekoe and China black.  Black, white and green tea all contain antioxidants.  The higher tannins in black tea make it perfect for the kombucha culture to thrive and kick up a mega bubbly brew.  I brew this batch longer to lower the sugar content, therefore it will be a bit more tart.   read more about the health benefits of organic black tea.

bubbly glass of booch


Elderberries- Elderberries are well known for their high antioxidant content and anti viral abilities.  Their latin name, Sambucus, has been a familiar name on the medicine shelf for coughs, sore throats and colds for hundreds of years.  I grow elderberries and make a cold medicine with local honey and elderberries,for my own family.  Elderberry syrup is claimed to shorten the duration of viruses.  Elderberries are also used to help soothe the stomach and have diuretic and detoxifying properties.  Read more here from Dr. Mercola.   This is my source for organic elderberries.


Aronia Berries- I am so excited about Aronia berries!  They are off the chart high in antioxidants.  I found a local grower of organic Aronia berries, another small farmer just like us in Keymar, MD.  Read here for more information about Aronia berries. They are a cultivated version of the old chockberry bush.   I infuse these little guys into our kombucha for all their antioxidant goodness!


Drink up and be well this winter with our Berry Well Kombucha!


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  1. I want to make Aronia berry kombucha. I only have frozen berries. Should I defrost them first before adding them to the brew?

    1. No need to defrost. I put them right in from the freezer and ferment with tight lid 1-3 days room temperature.
      thanks for reading!

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