Spring on the farm!


Last year we planted 100s of berry plants so more of your kombucha can have our own farm raised fruit to infuse all the organic goodness.

How wonderful to see them peeking up and starting to flower.  Sorry about the bad photography but I am a farmer, yknow.

I planted strawberry plants all around the blueberries and it seems to be a agreeable arrangement for both.


Here are the tender new grape leaves unfurling on our Concord grapevines.


This is the new blackberry garden.  These plants are from an uncle who’s father-in-law created a new variety down at the University of Maryland.  It’s all a big secret but I have some of the plants!  BIG and bursting with blackberry flavor!  See all that wonderful compost from our happy cows?  Now THAT is organic growing and the basis of healthy fruit, veggies and herbs from Dodson’s Promised Land farm.

I planted strawberries in the asparagus bed last spring!  We will see how that goes, but so far so good!

And a peek at my gardening buddies Bodie and Curry!


Enjoy the outdoors!  It will lift your spirits!

The Kombucha Lady

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